Welcome to our site

The International Centre for Computational Engineering (IC2E) is a ‘not for profit’ organisation registered as an educational institution in the Aegean island of Rhodes, Greece.

Our aim is to provide a voluntary service to students, researchers & engineers worldwide through the Internet.

Why is it set up?

  • A plethora of meetings have been held world-wide on computational engineering, where views were presented, but hardly any debates took place and rarely any conclusions were reached.
  • A forum for open, free and frank discussions is lacking and this leads to repetition of errors, misguided efforts in research and waste of resources.
  • Commercial software companies play a vital role in making computational engineering accessible to engineers but use of software without a deeper understanding is fraught with unspecified risks
  • IC2E aims to play a key role in many related areas and issues


IC2E aims to provide a virtual platform and network of experts in various areas of computational engineering who would review, discuss and comment on current research and share their knowledge and experience with the global younger generation.