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International Workshop on Granular Matter

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International Workshop on Granular Matter

at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Széchenyi István tér 9. Budapest, Hungary 12 June 2018

Following an initiative taken by Dr. Emoke Imre of Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary an International Workshop on Granular Matter was jointly organised by Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary, The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) – BME Morpho-dynamics Research Group, Hungary & the School of Engineering and The Built Environment, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in Budapest on 12 June. The meeting was supported by a diverse group of scientists e.g. the 6th Section of Engineering Sciences and the Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, HAS, Eötvös Loránd Physics Society, Thermodynamics Group, Hungary, Scientific Soc. of Silicate Industry, Hungary, the International Society of Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and the Department of Eng. Geology and Geotechnics, BME, Hungary. For the programme of presentation CLICK HERE and for abstracts CLICK HERE


Programme of presentations

8:40 Opening: Kálmán Rajkai, the Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry of of Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Part 1. Unsaturated soils and the grading curve.  Chair RAJKAI, K. (RISSAC HAS)

9:00 Pande, G. N.: Particle

Pore size distribution & microstructure of saturation – key elements for rational description of mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils.

10:00 Break

Part 2. Constitutive laws, particle breakage. Chair RAJKAI, K. (RISSAC HAS)

10:20 Écsi, L1. Ván, P, 2: A nonlinear continuum theory of finite deformations of elastoplastic media

1Strojnícka fakulta STU v Bratislave, Slovakia

2Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

10:40 M. Arroyo: Effect of crushing on critical states of soils: a DEM-based study

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Geotechnical Division UPC Barcelona

11:00 Monforte, L. Arroyo, M. Carbonell, JM. Gens, A.:

Large strain plasticity for soils using the Particle Finite Element Method.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Geotechnical Division UPC Barcelona

11:20 Arroyo, M.: Linking true spherical shape and particle rotation to calibrate DEM contact.

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Geotechnical Division UPC Barcelona

11:40 Lunch

Part 3. Grain shape, Grading Entropy and DEM, Entropy. Chair: VÁN, P. BME.

12:40 Barreto, D1. McDougall, J1. Imre, E2.: Volumetric consequences of mass loss in soils – A micro-mechanical perspective

1Edinburgh Napier University UK

2Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary.

13:00 Imre, E1. Singh, VP2. Baille, W3. Barreto, D4.: Preliminary study on the relationship between dry density and the grading entropy parameters.

1Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary.

2Texas A.M. University, USA.

3Ruhr University of Bochum

4Edinburgh Napier University UK

13:20 Imre, E1. Barreto D2. Goudarzy, M3. Rahemi, N3. Baille, W3.: New aspects of the grading curve characterization. Mean or fractal gradings, naturally (internally stable) so ils. Strong force chains.

1Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary.

2School of Engineering and The Built Environment Edinburgh Napier University UK.

3Ruhr University of Bochum

13:40 Barreto, D1. Imre, E2.: Preliminary study on the relationship between the small and intermediate strain properties of granular materials in terms of grading entropy parameters.

1School of Engineering and The Built Environment Edinburgh Napier University UK.

2Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary.

14:00 Talata, I1. Imre, E2. Singh, VP3 Nagy L4.: Some comments on the internal stability rule of grading entropy.

1Szent István University, Hungary

2Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary.

3Texas A.M. University, USA.

4Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

14:20 Imre, E2. Singh, VP2. Baille, W3. Rajkai, K4. Firgi, T5: Approximate interpolation in terms of grading curves.

1Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary

2Texas A.M. University, USA.

3Ruhr University of Bochum.

4The Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry of of Hungarian Academy of Science

5Szent István University, Hungary.

14:40 Sipos, A.: Tracking critical points on evolving curves and surfaces

Hungarian Academy of Sciences -BME Morphodynamics Research Group.

15:00 Martinás, K, Tremmel, B.: Basic Energy Concepts of Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics

Eötvös Loránd Physics Society, Thermodynamics Group, Budapest, Hungary

15:20 Break

Part 4. DEM, Grading Entropy, Entropy based Constitutive laws.


15:40 Lévay, S. and Török, J.: Multiple shear bands in granular materials.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences -BME Morphodynamics Research Group.

16:00 Lévay, S. Fischer. D. Stannarius, R. Szabó, B. Börzsönyi, T. and Török, J.: Uniform sphere packing or frustrated packing in a granular system under geometrical confinement.

Hungarian Academy of Sciences -BME Morphodynamics Research Group.

16:20 Gálos, M. Orosz, Á.: Breakage properties and DEM modelling of Ballast material.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

16:40 Varga, A.: Analysis of particle movement conditions of open mixing screws.

Szent István University, Hungary

17:00 Safranyik, F.: Calibration algorithm for discrete element models.

Eötvös Lóránd University, Savaria Institute of Technology, Hungary.

17:20 Verhás, J.: Morse lemma and entropy principle (Mohr Coulomb law and the properties of the friction)

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

17:40 Lőrincz, J1. Imre, E2. Trang, PQ1. Fityus, S3. Casini, F4. Guida, G5. Gálos, M1. Kárpáti L6. Szendefy, J1. Barreto, D7.: Mixture composition change and grading entropy – A rock classification alternative?

1Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

2Óbuda University, Budapest, Hungary

3University of Newcastle, Australia

4Universita di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy

5Universita Niccolo Cusano, Italy

6Scientific Soc. of Silicate Industry, Budapest, Hungary

7School of Engineering and The Built Environment Edinburgh0 UK

18:20 Discussion