
Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics (ComGeo I), Juan-les-Pins, Cote d’Azur, France, April 29 -– May 1st, 2009

ISBN: 0-9510380-4-4

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Computational study of the performance of a genetic algorithms­  based software
R.N.  Azeiteiro,  P.A.L.F Coelho, D. Taborda,  A.  Pedro & D.  Antunes
Anisotropic visco-hypoplasticity
A. Niemunis, C. E. Grandas Tavera & L. F. Prada Sarmiento
A simplified second gradient model for geomaterials
R. Fernandes, C. Chavant, R. Chambon
Numerical determination of the minimum size of RVE for random composite materials: two-point probability approach
A. Rozanski, D. Lydzba & J. F. Shao
A time-dependent multi-scale damage model for rocks based on sub-critical growth of micro-cracks
B. Francois, C. Dascalu & B. Operchalska
A constitutive model for the behaviour of shotcrete
R. Schutz, D. M. Potts & L. Zdravkovic
On mechanical behaviour of inherently anisotropic sand formations
S. Pietruszczak, A. Azami & P. Guo
A generalised fully coupled mechanical-water retention model for unsaturated soils
M. Lloret, M. Sanchez, M. Karstunen & S. Wheeler
A model for destructured and water sensitive chalk
E. Papamichos, R. Flatebo, & J. Stenebraten
Hyperelastic and hyperviscoelastic constitutive modelling of road materials
C. Rabaiotti, M. Caprez , C. Ozan & A. Puzrin
Implications of thermal sensitivity of the static internal friction angle
T. Hueckel, L. Laloui & B. Francois
Mechanical modelling of eroded granular materials
P. Y. Hicher & C. S. Chang
A constitutive model for structured anisotropic soils
M. P. Cordao-Neto, M. Sanchez & M. Karstunen
On the conditions at failure in schistose rocks
Y.K. Lee, S. Pietruszczak & S. Jeon
A viscoplastic model including damage for argillaceous rocks
M. Souley, K. Su, G. Armand & M. Ghoreychi
A unified framework for failure in geomaterials?
F. Nicot & F. Darve
Analysis of failure in geostructures via the second order work
R. Wan & M. Pinheiro
Diffuse failure: 3D phenomenological analysis and DEM simulations
F. Darve, F. Prunier, L. Sibille & F. Nicot
Discrete element modelling of damage mechanisms and acoustic emission in rock under triaxial compression
H. D. V. Khoa, E. Aker, F. Cuisiat & L. Andresen
Effect of grain crushing on shear localization using micro-polar hypoplasticity
J. Tejchman & I. Einav
Material stability analysis based on the local and global elasto-plastic tangent operators
F. Prunier, F. Laouafa & F. Darve
Modelling the onset of instability in oedometric tests on unsaturated bonded soils
G. Buscarnera & R. Nova
Strain localisation in sand under triaxial loading: characterisation by x-ray micro tomography and 3D digital image correlation,
S. A. Hall, N. Lenoir, G. Viggiani, J. Desrues & P. Besuelle
Application of ALE-formulation to investigations of evolution of shear zones during granular flow in silos
M. Wojcik & J. Tejchman
Effects of fines on compressibility and static liquefaction of granular materials
P. V. Lade, J. A. Yamamuro & C. D. Liggio
Calibration of an advanced soil constitutive model for use in probabilistic numerical analysis
R. Suchomel & D. Masin
Soil parameter identification for the design of spread footings
A. Papon, Y. Riou,, J. Heyman, Ch. Dano & P-Y. Hicher
Effect of grain shape on the behaviour of granular materials in biaxial compression
M. Chaze
Numerical simulations of the behavior of granular bodies using DEM
L. Widulinski, J. Kozicki & J. Tejchman
Numerical modelling of laboratory tests on desiccation cracking
A. L. Amarasiri, J. K. Kodikara & S. Costa
The use of meshless methods in geotechnics
C. Augarde & C. Heaney
Stabilized finite elements in geomechanical applications
S. Commend, Th. Zimmermann & A. Truty
Extended finite element formulation for frictional crack with finite deformation
R. I. Borja & F. Liu
A hypoplastic macroelement for shallow foundations on sands
D. Salciarini & C. Tamagnini
A micro-macro (DEM-FEM) model of the behaviour of granular solids
M. Nitka, G. Bilbie, G. Combe, C. Dascalu & J. Desrues
Efficient multilevel preconditioners for large size geomechanical simulations
C. Janna, M. Ferronato & G. Gambolati
Seismic design of pile-reinforced foundations using a multiphase approach
Q. Thai Son, G. Hassen & P. de Buhan
Limit analysis, convex optimization and decomposition: new bounds to the height limit of a Tresca vertical slope
Z. Kammoun, F. Pastor, J. Pastor, H. Smaoui & E. Loute
Stability of anchored walls embedded in cohesive soils by variational method
O. Pula, W.Pula & M. Oslawska
On the development of a THM model to include higher temperature effects
H. R. Thomas, S. C. Seetharam, S. Siddiqua & P. J. Vardon
Boundary heating of a fluid-saturated geomaterial
A. P. S. Selvadurai & A. Suvorov
Behaviour of an engineered clay barrier involved in a prospective nuclear waste isolation system
B. Francois & L. Laloui
Interactions between unsaturated soil phases involving linear momentum
F. Molenkamp
A coupled Material Point/Finite Difference scheme for model-based simulation of fluid-saturated porous media
Y. Higo, Y. Goto, S. Kimoto, F. Oka & Z.Chen
A two-scale numerical approach for hydro-mechanical damage
J. Frey, C. Dascalu & R. Chambon
Mechanics of an embedded caprock layer during pressurization of a CO2 storage reservoir
A. P. S. Selvadurai
Boundary integral equations of unsaturated poroelastic media under heating in frequency domain
P. Maghoul, B. Gatmiri & D. Duhamel
Fully coupled hydro-mechanical analysis of unsaturated soils
V. Galavi, R.B.J. Brinkgreve, P.G. Bonnier & N. A. Gonzalez
Hydro-mechanical coupled model for hydration swelling rocks
X. Chen & M. A. Hicks
Hydro-mechanical modeling of damage due to underground excavation in hardened clay
S. Levasseur, F. Collin, B. Frieg & R. Charlier
Numerical modeling of gas hydrate formation in the ground
S. Kimoto, Y. Miki & F. Oka
Numerical modelling of interfacial soil erosion
D. Lachouette, S. Bonelli, F. Golay & P. Seppecher
Numerical modeling of swelling and the osmotic consolidation of bentonite
F. Oka, H. Feng, S. Kimoto , A. J. Tinet & Y. Higo
An investigation of the re-saturation characteristics of the prototype repository
P. J. Vardon, H. R. Thomas & P. J. Cleall
Parametric study on the performance of a THM damage model for unsaturated porous media
C. Arson & B. Gatmiri
Reactive transport in granular media: modeling the erosion and filtration
N. Sayouri, X. Liu, T. Khalil & B. Muresan
Stochastic finite element modeling of contaminant transport
M. M. Nezhad, A. A. Javadi & M. Rezania
Three-dimensional elasto-plastic thermo-mechanical analysis of underground nuclear repository
S. K. Patel & K. G. Sharma
Understanding the thermo-mechanical response of heat exchanger piles
C. Silvani, M. Nuth, L. Laloui & H. Peron
The weathering of the foundation of the Tholos of Asklepios at Epidaurus: experiments and modelling
E. Gerolymatou, R. Castellanza, R. Nova & I. Vardoulakis
3D coupled geomechanical modeling in reservoir management
N. Koutsabeloulis & X. Zhang
Prediction of the spacing and patterns of drying cracks in soils
H. Peron, L. Laloui, L.B. Hu & T. Hueckel
Numerical modelling of desiccation processes in clayey soils
H. U. Levatti, P. C. Prat & A. Ledesma
New developments in the simulation of problems in underground construction
G. Beer, Ch. Duenser, K. Riederer, R. Terkovics & K. Thoeni
Numerical analysis of a shallow NATM tunnel with advancing face support by horizontal glass fibre anchors
X.T. Wang, W. Wu & J. Bauer
3D back analysis studies of Termino de Odivelas tunnel in Lisbon
G. D. Vieira & J. A. Sousa
The effect of advance-drainage on the short-term behaviour of squeezing rocks in tunneling
G. Anagnostou
Finite element analysis of the Meuse Haute-Marne underground research laboratory
F. Laouafa, G. Armand, J.B. Kazmierczak & T. Maison
Limit analysis of anisotropic soils
R. L. Michalowski
Limit analysis of bearing capacity of eccentrically loaded strip footing on clay with tension cut-off interface conditions
A. Lyamin, K. Krabbenhoft & S. W. Sloan
Upper bound solutions for bearing capacity of nonhomogeneous and anisotropic clay foundations
M. Huang, Y. Liu, H. Qin & W. Wang
A FE procedure for calculation of displacements and capacity of foundations subjected to cyclic loading
H. P. Jostad & L. Andresen
Lumped-parameter model of a bucket foundation
L. Andersen , L. B. Ibsen & M. A. Liingaard
Numerical study of simplified piled raft foundations employing an embedded pile formulation
F. Tschuchnigg & H. F. Schweiger
Numerical simulation of pile installation in sand
J. Dijkstra, K. E. Anaraki, W. Broere & F. van Tol
Behavior of piles subjected to inclined loads
M. Achmus, K. Abdel-Rahman & K. Thieken
Numerical analysis of expansion anchors
M. M. El Sharnouby,& M.H. El Naggar
Evaluation of load-carrying capacity of suction anchors in clay by 3D finite element analysis
L. Edgers, L. Andresen & H. P. Jostad
Limit equilibrium assessment of drystone retaining structures
C. Mundell & P. M. McCombie
Geomechanical modelling of a natural slope affected by multiple slip surface failure mechanism
A. Ferrari, L. Laloui & C. Bonnard
Material-Point-Method analysis of collapsing slopes
S. M. Andersen & L. Andersen
The behaviour of stone column supported embankment constructed on soft soil
D. Kamrat-Pietraszewska &, M. Karstunen
Load carrying capacity of masonry bridges: numerical evaluation of the influence of fill and spandrels
A. Cavicchi1 & L. Gambarotta
Seismic analysis of brick masonry structures of the Paugan powerhouse
S. Pietruszczak & V. Gocevski
FE-modelling of strain localization in concrete under mixed mode conditions using different approaches
J. Bobinski & J. Tejchman
The effect of soil-structure interaction on a reinforced concrete bridge
S. Grange, L. Botrugno, P. Kotronis & C. Tamagnini
Application of different coupled elasto-plastic-damage models with non-local softening to concrete cyclic behaviour
I. Marzec & J. Tejchman
Critical failure surface location using simple genetic algorithm and multiple wedge slope stability
P. McCombie
Extraction of dynamic pore water pressure generation behavior via inverse analysis in seismic site response modeling
D. R. Groholski & Y. M. A. Hashash
Design of optimal flood protection embankments: combining different forms of Artificial Intelligence
R. van der Meij
Genetic programming for predicting axial capacity of driven piles
I. Alkroosh, M. Shahin & H. Nikraz
Neural network based hazard assessment for tunnel collapse
H. S. Shin, Y. C. Kwon, Y. S. Jung & G. J. Bae
Application of cyclic nonlinear elastic models to site response analysis
D. Taborda, S. Kontoe, L. Zdravkovic & D. M. Potts
Asymptotics in soil-wheel interaction
J. P. Hambleton & A. Drescher
Numerical modelling of wave propagation tests for the detection of underground heterogeneities
P. Alfonsi, E. Bourgeois, L. Lenti, M. Froumentin & E. Evain
Statistical design of rockfall protective structures using a stochastic trajectory analysis model
F. Bourrier, F. Nicot & F. Darve
Vertical stresses due to linearly distributed pressures over polygonal domains
M.G. D’Urso & F. Marmo
Development of hybrid simulation system for geotechnical engineering problems
Y. C. Kwon, H. S. Shin & M. Kazama
Book of Abstract




Juan lesPins,

France, 29 Apr il 1

May, 2009